By-Laws & CCRs

“By-Laws are a set of regulations adopted by an organization for its internal management and governance. This document governs the administrative affairs of the association, including items such as annual and special meeting procedures, quorum for membership meetings and Board meetings, Board elections, voting rights, governance of Board meetings and other administrative affairs.” pg 13 Indiana Community Association Laws and Best Practices for Board Members by Eads, Murray & Pugh

“Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, commonly known as CCRs, are a set of rules governing the use, appearance and maintenance of property in a common interest development….CCRs can regulate various aspects of the property… and are meant to protect the value and harmony of the community.”

All Autumn Glen owners and any associated renters are expected to be familiar with the By-Laws and CCRs, and to comply with the conditions.

The Board of Directors will provide a copy of the governing documents to each owner in email or hard copy (if desired). The owners are expected to supply copies of the documents to their renters. Additional hard copies are available for a nominal fee. Email copies are supplied at no charge.